Old Fashioned Safety Razor: Make Your Weekend Shave Special

by Sep 21, 2016Lifestyle

old fashioned safety razor

Like it or loathe it, shaving will have been, at one time or other, part of your toiletry ritual. But the wet shave is a true art form and a luxury that many men aren’t accustomed to. We show you how to master the technique and, once hooked, you might never be tempted to grow a hipster beard again!

Here’s how to look good for clients, customers, or the family…

The tools you need

Safety Razor

First tool of the trade is a classic safety razor. These sturdy machines give you a consistent, enjoyable shave and are the ultimate in shaving luxury. With one of these in your hand you’ll never go back to cheap-as plastic again. For a top of the line safety razor you’ll be looking at around $70 – $80 but you can also get cheaper ones for $30 – $40. Muhle, Merkur, Edwin Jagger, Parker, are all good brands.

Shaving Brush

A shaving brush is the next thing you’ll need in your repertoire. Made from animal hair, such as boar or badger bristles, these hold a lot of water and help to whip up a decent lather on your face. They also coat the hair to result in a smoother shave. You can use both a good quality shaving cream and shaving soap for a traditional wet shave (using aerosol foam is frowned upon as it’s full of nasty chemicals and can cause premature ageing). Typically soaps are better for those with sensitive skin, while creams are easier to use.

5 Steps for the Ultimate Wet Shave

Step 1

First prep your beard. This is essential in order to get a clean shave. The goal of prepping is to soften facial hair therefore causing less irritation to the skin when shaving. Shaving after you’ve had a shower is the easiest way, or you can also use a hot wet towel.

Step 2

Next you’ll need to lather up. Take a small dollop of shaving cream and put it in a mug (preferably not the one you use for your morning coffee). Pre-soak your brush with water and swirl it in the mug to generate a thick lather. Apply the lather to your beard in swirling motions. You don’t want so much you look like a yeti, but enough so it’s nice and covered.

Step 3

The shaving technique. There are four parts to this:

  1. Use light pressure – the safety razor is weighty so you don’t have to press hard
  2. Shave with the grain – shaving against the grain can cause ingrown hairs
  3. Angle the blade at 30 /45 degrees – practice on your arm first
  4. To avoid skin irritation lather up and shave several times – don’t just use one pass

Step 4

Post-shave. It’s important to rinse your face with cold water to close pores. Use a post-shave balm or aftershave to help reduce irritation and moisturise your skin.

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